Dr. Tieri was interviewed by Dr. Alan Chartock, former founder and president of WAMC Northeast NPR radio station, just prior to the release of his first book End Everyday Pain. Topics related to postural tension, misalignment, and the path to pain-free living were discussed. Click the button below to listen to the interview.

Dr. Tieri was one of a panel of three experts discussing the negative effects of arthritis on the body, and a few easy stretches, dietary changes, and supplements you can take to protect your joints. Read the 1 page Woman’s World article by clicking the button below.

In this Bottom Line Health article, Dr. Tieri discusses how the common findings of x-ray and other radiologic studies—like arthritis, joint tears, and bulging disks—are often erroneously blamed for peoples joint and muscle pains. More often, Dr. Tieri argues, the pain and dysfunction results from tension and misalignment in the body, and this article discusses a few easy stretches to address the problem.