Over the past 25 years, Dr. Tieri has had the privilege of treating thousands of young, middle-aged, and elderly patients and what he’s discovered is that as the body ages, the level of misalignment and tension significantly increases in very predictable patterns. The body becomes ‘molded’ by our modern work and play habits, causing pain and problems in one or several areas of the body. Two common examples of this process are;
1. As a result of our arms mostly oriented in front of our chest—as when we’re holding our phone, typing on a computer, reading a book, when eating, and driving—the shoulders round and the head begins to move forward on the trunk. This is problematic because as the head moves forward, the neck has to work much harder to hold it up, increasing the tension in the muscles and vertebral discs of the neck. Additionally, as the shoulders round, an area called the sub-acromial space narrows, impinging the tendons of the shoulder (the rotator cuff) leading to tendinitis or tears. As the patient experiences it, these postural changes result in some combination of headaches, neck pain, upper back pain, shoulder pain, and numbness and tingling of one or both hands (neuropathy), among others.
2. Due to all the sitting we do—in chairs, couches, and car seats—the muscles responsible for the forward bending at the waist (the hip flexors) that sitting creates, become shorter and tighter, while the muscles of the lower back (the core) and butt become weaker. Sitting also stresses the lumbar spine directly by causing it to lose its natural curvature, leading to compression of the vertebral discs. The end result of all this sitting is some combination of the lower back pain, hip pain, knee pain, and sciatica, that plagues so many people.
Left unaddressed, the misalignment and tension that results from these as well as other habits and life events not only cause pain, but also creates the wear and tear on the body that leads to its premature breakdown. The good news is that an Osteopathic treatment can begin the process of reducing the tension and misalignment that leads to chronic pain and dysfunction. Dr. Tieri does this by diagnosing the areas of tension in the body, and skillfully treating them to reduce friction and restore mobility. Combined with a few targeted postural stretches and strengthening exercises to be done at home, patients may not only experience immediate pain relief, but also can benefit in the long run with a body that is more able to stay active, and therefore healthy.